by Syarif Hidayat
THE BIBLICAL STORY OF Samson and Delilah is familiar (Judges 16:4-30).
Delilah deceives her husband, Samson. She betrays him to her people,
the Philistines, who are the enemies of the Israelites. The Philistines
put out Samson's eyes and rob him of the source of his strength by
cutting his hair.
Samson repents of
his sin, his hair grows back, and he regains his strength. Not letting
on that his strength has returned, Samson in turn deceives his
captors. When the opportunity arises, he uses his renewed strength to
bring down the two middle pillars of a great temple when the
Philistines are assembled to sacrifice to their god. Samson kills a
large number of the Philistines and in the process he kills himself.
in the context of the Middle East, the Samson Option, has important
ramifications. ISRAEL MIGHT well launch a preemptive strike against
Iran, even if the international military and diplomatic reprisals that
follow might bring disastrous consequences upon Israel itself. Why?
Because Israel might well calculate that Iran armed with nuclear
weapons would be too unpredictable and dangerous to tolerate. At any
moment and for any reason, Iran might simply launch a nuclear attack on
Israel. Since Iran's irrationality cannot be ruled out, Israel could
calculate there is no rational option except to attack Iran first.
there is also a Samson Option calculated from Iran's perspective.
(Nothing is ever easy or simple in the Middle East.) Allowing the mad
mullahs in Iran to have a nuclear bomb might be the same as giving them a
button with which they could blow up the world. The mullahs might just
decide to push the End of the World button, acting as irrational
terrorists unable to resist the temptation, or acting "rationally" in
the calculation that they will soon be in heaven for their glorious
Even knowing that to launch a
nuclear strike on Israel would result in a devastating nuclear
retaliation being launched on them might not be enough deterrence for
these radical clerics who have a history of embracing suicide as
martyrdom. That the world would be destroyed because they pushed the
button might perversely be an inducement to the mad clerics in charge
of a radical terror-supporting theocracy.
Israelis also are egged on in its nuclear threats by "Christian
Zionists" like Hal Lindsay who believe Israel must expand its control
of territory to its Biblical borders in order to bring about Armageddon
and the return of Jesus Christ. Some suspect that former President
George W. Bush holds such beliefs, especially after his November 2007
statement "If you want to see World War Three, you know, a way to do
that is to attack Israel with a nuclear weapon."
HAS sworn "Never again!" Reasoning that the Holocaust occurred in part
because European Jews did not resist, the Israelis have determined
that never again will Israel be passive in the face of its enemies.
Since the late 1940s first strikes have characterized the Israeli's
foreign policy.
highly effective Israeli first-strike air assault on June 5, 1967,
destroyed the entire Egyptian air force on the ground at the start of
the Six-Day War. But more parallel to the urgency surrounding the
situation of Iran's having nuclear weapons is the June 1981 air attack
that took out Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor.
"Never again!" resolve would tolerate annihilation only if it followed
a massive Israeli military attempt to first annihilate the foe. Put
another way, the possibility of annihilation would not stop Israel from
attacking first if it felt its survival was on the line anyway.
from a more rational perspective, an Iran armed with nuclear weapons
could announce that it would launch a nuclear strike on Israel should
Iran ever come under military attack by the United States, even if the
United States were to launch a purely conventional strike on Iran. This
would be Iran's version of the "tripwire" theory the United States
used to justify maintaining a small conventional army in Europe in the
the Soviets launched even a conventional attack against U.S. forces in
West Germany, so the theory went, the United States would retaliate
immediately with a massive nuclear strike. Similarly, Iran could
announce that any conventional attack against it would result in a
nuclear response by the mullahs.
Iran has a nuclear weapons capability, the mullahs suddenly have
calculations and threats that were not available to them before. Armed
with atomic weapons, for instance, Iran could make extremely aggressive
foreign policy demands, threatening a nuclear attack on Israel if the
demands are not met.
mullahs might command the withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from
the Middle East, or else they would be "forced" to launch a nuclear
strike on the U.S. bases in Iraq or Saudi Arabia orcon Israel itself.
Such nuclear brinksmanship instantly advances the situation to a whole
new plateau of international danger.
through from Israel's perspective, Iran must never be allowed to
possess nuclear weapons. Iran has made its intentions abundantly clear.
Any stoppage to enriching uranium will only be temporary. Iran has
announced to the world that the mullahs will have atomic bombs. The
only question is when.
June 2004 a report out of Tel Aviv confirmed that Israel already had
rehearsed a military first strike on Iran. "Israel will on no account
permit Iranian reactors -- especially the one being built in Bushehr
with Russian help -- to go critical," an Israeli defense source told
reporters. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon went on the record that Iran was
the "biggest danger to the existence of Israel." Sharon also left no
doubt as to his meaning: "Israel will not allow Iran to be equipped
with a nuclear weapon." Put in terms of the Samson Option, Israel will
feel compelled to strike first, before Iran has the ability to make
its own first strike decision.
A Financial Times article (August 11, 2008), stating: Power supply switched off two hours each day. For Iranians, recent electricity cuts are a reminder of the severe energy shortages they endured for almost a decade after the 1979 Islamic revolution.
Electrical experts say international sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program have contributed to the problem by making the investment outlook bleak.
Iran’s electrical shortage has a good reason for its nuclear power plants. In addition, countries throughout the world have been building nuclear power plants. In 2008, there were over 400 nuclear power plants in operation. Very few countries do not have any.
American leaders especially in the US government and in the Congress who are well-known as Preachers of Democracy and Human Rights should know about these realities.
But to placate Israel, US politicians have threatened to start a war with Iran to prevent that country from exercising its sovereign right to have a nuclear power generating plant to add to the 400-plus already operating throughout the world.
Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public and meet resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.
Originally a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s annihilation - it has developed into being a nuclear bullying strategy to further Israel’s territorial goals through threats and blackmail. Israel has bullied not only Arab and Muslim nations, but the United States and Russia with its Samson Option threats. Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Israel uses for purposes of blackmail its ability to "bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States."
Israeli Nuclear Strategy
As Seymour Hersh in the 1991 book The Samson Option, says in classic understatement ; "The Samson Option is no longer the only nuclear option available to Israel." Israel has made countless veiled nuclear threats against the Arab nations and against the Soviet Union (and by extension Russia since the end of the Cold War).
One chilling example comes from Ariel Sharon: "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches." (In 1983 Sharon proposed to India that it join with Israel to attack Pakistani nuclear facilities; in the late 70s he proposed sending Israeli paratroopers to Tehran to prop up the Shah; and in 1982 he called for expanding Israel's security influence to stretch from "Mauritania to Afghanistan.").
In another example, Israeli nuclear expert Oded Brosh said in 1992, "...we need not be ashamed that the nuclear option is a major instrumentality of our defense as a deterrent against those who attack us."
Official policy and threats
Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized a nuclear alert, ordering 13 atomic bombs be prepared for missiles and aircraft. Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Simha Dinitz threatened “very serious conclusions" if there was not an immediate airlift of supplies. This forced U.S. President Richard Nixon to make emergency airlifts of state of the art military supplies to Israel.
Fearing intervention by the Soviet Union, U.S. forces went on Defense Condition (DEFCON) III alert status, something which could have led to full scale nuclear war in case of misinterpretation of signals or hardware or software failures.
Additionally, as Seymour Hersh documents in detail in his book The Samson Option, from 1973 these weapons have been used to discourage the Soviet Union - now Russia - from intervening militarily on behalf of Arab nations. Obviously an Israeli nuclear attack on Russia by the United States’ great ally Israel would result in Russia sending thousands of nuclear weapons towards the U.S. and the U.S. responding in kind.
Not surprisingly, no nation state has attempted to attack Israel since 1973. A former Israeli official justified Israel’s threats. “You Americans screwed us” in not supporting Israel in its 1956 war with Egypt. “We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka. Next time we’ll take all of you with us.”
General Moshe Dayan, a leading promoter of Israel’s nuclear program, has been quoted as saying “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” In 1977, after a right-wing coalition under Menachen Begin took power, the Israelis began to use the Samson Option not just to deter attack but to allow Israel to “redraw the political map of the Middle East” by expanding hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers into the West Bank and Gaza.
Ethnic cleansing
of Defense Ariel Sharon said things like "We are much more important
than (Americans) think. We can take the middle east with us whenever we
go" and "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches." He
proclaimed his - and many Likud Party members' - goals of transforming
Jordan into a Palestinian state and “transferring” all Palestinian
refugees there. A practice known worldwide as "ethnic cleansing."
dissuade the Soviet Union from interfering with its plans, Prime
Minister Begin immediately “gave orders to target more Soviet cities”
for potential nuclear attack. Its American spy Jonathan Pollard was
caught stealing such nuclear targeting information from the U.S.
military in 1985.
During the next
25 years Israel became more militarily adventurous, bombing Iraq’s
under-construction Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981, invading Lebanon to
destroy Palestinian refugee camps in 1982 and to fight Hezbollah in
2006, massively bombing civilian targets in the West Bank Jenin refugee
camp in 2002 and thoughout Gaza in 2008-2009. There are conflicting
reports about whether Israel went on nuclear alert and armed missiles
with nuclear weapons during the 1991 Gulf War after Iraq shot
conventionally armed scud missiles into it.
2002, while the United States was building for the 2003 invasion of
Iraq, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon threatened that if Israel was
attacked “Israel will react. Is it clear?” Israeli defense analyst Zeev
Schiff explained: “Israel could respond with a nuclear retaliation
that would eradicate Iraq as a country.” It is believed President Bush
gave Sharon the green-light to attack Baghdad in retaliation, including
with nuclear weapons, but only if attacks came before the American
military invasion.
Compellent purposes
Israeli Israel Shahak wrote in 1997: "Israel clearly prepares itself to seek overtly a hegemony over the entire Middle East...without hesitating to use for the purpose all means available, including nuclear ones." Zeev Schiff opined in 1998 that "Off-the-cuff Israeli nuclear threats have become a problem." In 2003 David Hirst noted that “The threatening of wild, irrational violence, in response to political pressure, has been an Israeli impulse from the very earliest days” and called Israel a candidate for “the role of 'nuclear-crazy' state.”
Noam Chomsky said of the Samson Option “the craziness of the state is not because the people are insane. Once you pick a policy of choosing expansion over security, that's what you end up getting stuck with.” Efraim Karsh calls the Samson Option the “rationality of pretended irrationality,” but warns that seeming too irrational could encourage other nations to attack Israel in their own defense.
Samson Option Supporters
Two Israel supporters are frequently quoted for their explicit support of the Samson Option. Martin Van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has been quoted as saying: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force....We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."
In 2002 the Los Angeles Times, published an opinion piece by Louisiana State University professor David Perlmutter in which he wrote: "What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away--unlike the Armenians, Tibetans, World War II European Jews or Rwandans--have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?"
Two influential Israel supporters advocate more active use of the Samson Option threat. Louis René Beres, a professor of Political Science at Purdue University and an Ariel Sharon advisor, recommends Israel use the Samson Option threat to support conventional preemptive attacks against enemy nuclear and non-nuclear assets, discouraging conventional retaliation. Jerome Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D. in political science and author of two books encouraging Israel to use nuclear weapons, writes that “Israel's Samson Option” could be “a preemptive strike against Iran.”
The Israelis also are egged on in its nuclear threats by "Christian Zionists" like Hal Lindsay who believe Israel must expand its control of territory to its Biblical borders in order to bring about Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. Some suspect that former President George W. Bush holds such beliefs, especially after his November 2007 statement "If you want to see World War Three, you know, a way to do that is to attack Israel with a nuclear weapon."
Israeli Threats Against Iran
Unlike Israel, Iran has accepted supervision of its nuclear program under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Iran claims its program is only for production of nuclear power as oil becomes more scarce and expensive, and not for nuclear weapons.
However, Israel opposes any challenge to its nuclear hegemony since not only would it be less able to use its nuclear threat to keep confiscated lands, but fear of Iran actually might cause citizens to leave Israel and investment to dry up. Israel also must worry about other “enemy” Arab nations which already are seeking or soon may seek nuclear energy.
In 2004 Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said that Israel would consider "all options" to prevent Iran from producing nuclear weapons. Rumors and warnings of an impending Israeli attack on Iran’s facilities, including possibly with nuclear weapons, have circulated repeatedly since that time.
Meanwhile, Israel still considers Russia a target because of its technical assistance to Iran’s nuclear program and its continued arms sales to Iran and other “enemy” nations. In 2007 Israeli officials warned Russia: "We hope they understand that this is a threat that could come back to them as well."
In 2005 George Bush admitted that the U.S. would support an Israeli attack on Iran. Soon after his election President Barak Obama seemed to accept the inevitability of an Iranian nuclear bomb. However, in early 2009 Likud Party hawk Benjamin Netanyahu was elected Israeli Prime Minister. Netanyahu already had threatened that Israel would attack Iran to stop its nuclear program if Obama did not do so. Considering Iran’s threats to retaliate, this easily could lead to a “Samson Option” scenario.
After May and September meetings with Netanyahu in 2009, Obama threatened Iran with attack if it did not “come clean about” and curb its nuclear program. This statement came a day after Netanyahus’ speech to the United Nations where he invoked the memory of Auschwitz and family members slain by Nazis. Obama also has suffered constant pressure to take a more belligerent stand against Iran from neoconservatives and the “Israel lobby.”
few peace or political activists, left or right, are willing to
challenge Israel’s Samson Option threats or even to make a nuclear free
Middle East a central demand. Until military and political leaders, as
well as activists, are willing to change U.S. policy of defacto support
for Israel’s Samson Option the whole world remains a potential victim
of this horrific strategy.
concerned about sanctions against Iran, peace with justice in the
Middle East and the world stability as well as the nuclear disarmament
in the world, have an obligation to speak out forcefully against the
Israeli weapons of mass destruction programs. (HSH)
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