by Syarif Hidayat
US capitalism must totally transform into a much more humane,
peaceful, egalitarian and democratic system. It is little wonder that
the gluttonous elite in the United States have striven so tenaciously
to inculcate the brainwashed zombie masses to despise, fear and
ridicule socialism, communism, and nearly all aspects of Marxist
Fear mongering, jingoism,
half truths, distorted images and history, as well as numerous
temptations of instant gratification, comprise a vast array of highly
refined and insidious propaganda that perpetually warps minds to create a
potent, effective and irrational fear of anything but capitalism.
our time, we faced up to the main tasks of putting an end to the
division of the world, winding down the nuclear arms race and defusing
conflicts. We will cope with the new global challenges as well, but only
if everyone understands the need for real, cardinal change -- for a
global perestroika.
The past interventions of the United States around the world are the root of terrorist acts against America.
Imperialism and Colonialism are alive and well!
to all people and leaders of the Arab and Muslim countries as well as
the other Third World countries!! BEWARE of the West imperialist
regimes ploys to “Divide and Conquer” or "Divide and Rule" your
In politics and sociology, divide and rule (derived from Latin: divide et impera) (also known as divide and conquer) is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up.
I think that the US-led Western civilization regimes invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and now the intervention in Libya as well as the alleged western and Zionist covert operations in Syria are just the other forms of the old Western imperialism improvisations to become interventionism.
The Western imperialism has now become interventionism using “The Disguised Intervention to Protect or Liberate The Local Citizens” as “the pretext or justification Made In USA” for employing an all out military force against those targeted countries with the main goals to expand and strengthen their global hegemony as well as to occupy and to squeeze those countries out of their natural resources especially oil!!
Under the guise of hypocritical declarations of "war of Liberation" to liberate Iraq from the West so-called Dictator Saddam Hussein that turned out to be the killing of many Iraqi people indiscriminately, "war to hunt for Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Talibans" in Afghanistan that turned out to be the killing of many Afghan people indiscriminately and now a "humanitarian" war to "save" the Libyan people from the West so-called Dictator Gaddafi, the U.S-led western civilization regimes were in fact aiming to gain control of the world oil reserves and international oil trade as well as dominate the whole Middle East and Africa by their military powers (and ultimately the whole world).
The US profit-orientated policies
to the record, the United States has given frequent and enthusiastic
support to the overthrow of democracy in favor of ‘investor friendly’
regimes, including Marcos’s Philippines in 1972, Pinochet’s Chile in
1973, and that of the Brazilian generals in 1964; and it has often
shifted policy from the support of friendly fascists like the Somozas
in Nicaragua and Ubico in Guatemala to hostility and active subversion
of successor reformist or radical democrats like the Sandinistas in
Nicaragua and Arevalo and Arbenz in Guatemala.”
“Since World War II, the US government has given more than $200 billion in military aid to train, equip, and subsidize more than 2.3 million troops and internal security forces in more than eighty countries, the purpose being not to defend them from outside invasions but to protect ruling oligarchs and multinational corporate investors from the dangers of domestic anti-capitalist insurgency. Among the recipients have been some of the most notorious military autocracies in history, countries that have tortured, killed or otherwise maltreated large numbers of their citizens because of their dissenting political views… US leaders profess a dedication to democracy. Yet over the past five decades, democratically elected reformist governments… were overthrown by pro-capitalist militaries that were funded and aided by the US national security state.”
"Wouldn’t it be easier, cheaper, and safer for American troops if the United States quit making terrorists instead of trying to war against them? Turning off the bath water always yields better results than bailing out the tub. Like the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on tobacco, and the new war on fat, the war on terrorism is a tragic joke," Laurence M. Vance says in his book Christianity and War.
AIPAC is dangerous for many reasons.
The Israel Lobby has even managed to divert US foreign policy far from what American national interest would otherwise suggest. The success of the Zionist Jews lobby: “makes it impossible for Washington to do anything but reflexively back Israel’s actions, whether they make sense or not.”
For one, it’s not a lobby group in the conventional sense – meaning a group of well-paid lobbyists harassing US Congressmen with telephone calls with the hope of advancing the agenda of their benefactors (in this case, the state of Israel). The pro-Israel lobby has actually grown and morphed into a political body that is embedded within all branches of the US government, as well as the media, academia and elsewhere. It is no secret that the neo-conservative cliques of politicians who engineered, steered and to an extent continue to influence US war policy are in fact a mere component of the same ‘lobby’.
How could America be so divided on so many issues, yet so united on the ‘cause of Israel’? Where does a feeble Israeli politician like Benyamin Netanyahu find the courage to defy you Mr. Obama, the president of the very country that supplied his own with many billions of taxpayer dollars?
Of course, we know that much of the fund was used to occupy, torment and wage war on Palestinians for many years. This is the atrocious fact that Americans need to understand fully: Israeli war crimes were made possible because of American funds, weapons and political cover. America is not an outside party to the conflict. It has done more than its fair share in the ongoing Palestinian tragedy.
I remember in your inauguration speech, Mr. Obama, you mention nothing about the Gaza invasion (and the slaughter of civilians by Israel), nor any negotiations with Hamas & Hezboullah, (the real players in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict). But rather, it’s the same old players involved in the “negotiating process” by which Israel always gets its way.
There could also be a Zionist factor in the US wars!
Israel has a history of fake terror blamed on third parties, hoaxes, and blackmail to trick or force the United States into fighting Israel's wars for them.
"The evidence that links 9-11 to Osama is fabricated. The evidence that links 9-11 to Israel Spies is classified by the US Government. Israel has a history of fake terror blamed on third parties, hoaxes, and blackmail to trick or force the United States into fighting Israel's wars for them. “
”The US Government, in keeping secret...the evidence that links the events of 9-11 to the arrested Israeli spies, is acting unconstitutionally and illegally. The Constitution does NOT authorize the US Government to keep the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 from the people, nor does the Constitution authorize the government of the United States to manufacture fake evidence to justify a conquest of oil reserves in Arab nations. “
”By virtue of the classification of this evidence, the US Government stands with a foreign power, accessory to a crime AGAINST the people of the United States... SOMETHING IS ROTTEN, and neither the US Government nor the US media want you to know what it is."
A Zionist war criminal Avi Dichter, the former Israeli Minister of Internal Security, former head of Shin Bet (Shabak) from 2000-2005, and current member of the racist institution of the Knesset, issued an ominous speech to the Israeli National Security Research Center on May 26, 2010. (
told the audience: "We have achieved in Iraq more than we expected and
planned. Iraq has vanished as a military force and as a unified
country. Our strategic option is to keep it divided. Our strategic goal
is to not allow Iraq to take its regional and Arabic role back. Iraq
must stay divided and isolated from its regional environment. Nobody
can ignore what we have achieved in this field. Iraq can never be the
same Iraq before 2003."
would say throughout his speech that Iraqi oil from Kirkuk, controlled
by Kurdish collaborators, would flow into occupied Palestine into the
hands of the Zionists. He would also boastfully say that Israel is
still active in Iraq and Zionist operatives move in the shadows to
secure political and economic benefits from the puppet regime; not only
from the Kurdish collaborators who have been consistently supported by
Mossad since the end of the 1950s, but also from traitorous elites in
Baghdad. As evidenced by the recent developments in Iraq since the new
year began, Israel is still active in occupied Iraq indeed.
Americans need to realize that this is no longer about Palestine and Israel. It is now about their own country, their own sovereignty and the future of their own democracy. They must ask hard questions and refuse to settle for sentimental answers. How could America be so divided on so many issues, yet so united on the ‘cause of Israel’? Where does a feeble Israeli politician like Benyamin Netanyahu find the courage to defy you Mr. Obama, the president of the very country that supplied his own with many billions of taxpayer dollars? Of course, we know that much of the fund was used to occupy, torment and wage war on Palestinians for many years.
This is the atrocious fact that Americans need to understand fully: Israeli war crimes were made possible because of American funds, weapons and political cover. America is not an outside party to the conflict. It has done more than its fair share in the ongoing Palestinian tragedy.
I remember in your inauguration speech, Mr. Obama, you mention nothing about the Gaza invasion (and the slaughter of civilians by Israel), nor any negotiations with Hamas & Hezboullah, (the real players in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict). But rather, it’s the same old players involved in the “negotiating process” by which Israel always gets its way.
When Yassir Arafat was put under siege in his offices and kept hostage by the Israeli occupation forces, he was constantly pressed into condemning terror and combatting terrorism. Israel's State terrorism is defined by US officials as "self-defense", while individual suicide bombers are called terrorists.
At the same time, Sharon's responsibility for Israeli war crimes is being completely ignored. Who should be arrested for the targeted killing of almost 100 Palestinians? Who will be sent to jail for the killing of more than 120 Palestinian paramedics? Who will be sentenced for the killing of more than 1,200 Palestinians and for the collective punishment of more than 3,000,000 civilians during the last 18 months? And who will face the International Tribunal for the illegal settlement of occupied Palestinian Lands, and the disobedience of UN decisions for more than 35 years?
Suicide bombs killing innocent citizens must be unequivocally condemned; they are immoral acts, and their perpetrators should be sent to jail. But they cannot be compared to State terrorism carried out by the Israeli Government. The former are individual acts of despair of a people that sees no future, vastly ignored by an unfair and distorted international public opinion. The latter are cold and "rational" decisions of a State and a military apparatus of occupation, well equipped, financed and backed by the US, the renown World Preacher of Human Rights, the only superpower in the world.
"Terrorism" is here taken to mean the practice of the deliberate inflicting (either directly or indirectly) of harm, injury, death and/or destruction upon a civilian target sufficient to cause horror, revulsion or despair among civilian populations and/or their political leaders, with the goal of causing those populations or political leaders to act in a way desired by the terrorists.
A terrorist state is a state which practices terrorism, even if it pretends (or rather, lies) to the world that it does not. It hardly needs to be pointed out that Israel is a terrorist state. Brutal repression of, and bloody attacks on, Palestinian civilians with the official Israeli aim of causing a change in the policies or actions of the Palestinian leadership is a clear case of terrorism.
And, of course, the U.S.A, the renowned World Preacher of Human Rights and Democracy, continues to support the terrorist state of Israel by giving it tanks, planes, rocket launchers and financial support to the tune of three billion dollars a year (why?), with which Israel has built up the fourth-largest military machine in the world. Israel's hegemony over the Middle East will continue, however, only as long as American money makes it possible. One day this money will no longer be forthcoming, for one reason or another. That will be Israel's Day of Reckoning. And none too soon either.
The products of the unjust and unfair US foreign policies
The past interventions of the United States around the world are the root of terrorist acts against America.
"Wouldn’t it be easier, cheaper, and safer for American troops if the United States quit making terrorists instead of trying to war against them? Turning off the bath water always yields better results than bailing out the tub. Like the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war on tobacco, and the new war on fat, the war on terrorism is a tragic joke," Laurence M. Vance says in his book “Christianity and War.”
Tom Fleming has said: "We cannot defend Americans at home by killing Iraqis in the Middle East." And second, as Pat Buchanan has said: "Before we invaded Iraq, not one American had been killed by an Iraqi in a dozen years. Since we invaded, 1,500 Americans have died and the number of insurgents has multiplied from 5,000 to 20,000.
By Don Rumsfeld’s own metric, "our intervention is creating more terrorists than we are killing."
Mr. Obama, Please take a close look at and compare the security situations in Iraq and Afghanistan before and after the US aggresions. Before the aggressions, there were almost no suicide bombings in both countries. But after the US invasions, the suicide bombings in these Muslim countries happen almost everyday.
Mr. Obama, Iraq was attacked based on the Bushes Family hatred against Saddam Hussein and falsified evidence of weapons of mass destruction, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.
The US forces have been looking for the non-existent (the imaginary) weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, using the real weapons of mass destruction, causing the death of hundreds of thousands (it could reach a million)of innocent people including old men, women, children and babies and destroying almost all Iraqi infrastructures.
Mr. Obama, it seems to me that the US gets the garbage intelligent reports from the counterfactual intelligent sources or the reports could be the fabricated intelligent handouts.
Israeli intelligence "didn't know" whether Iraq had dangerous weapons! "Israeli intelligence" has been well documented to be a leading source of misinformation to the US on supposed Iraqi WMDs.
The US foreign policy is only good and fair for Israel and Britain and to some extent for some other Western countries. History will prove this is CORRECT! If you don't believe this, American historians please write this down!
Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.
especially the US government officials who are well-known as Preachers
of Democracy and Human Rights should know about these realities. (HSH)
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