The US
by Syarif Hidayat
In regions of IRAQ, Afghanistan, Pakistan, YEMEN AND SOMALIA – ALL ARE MUSLIM COUNTRIES, children are having to live with the fear that they could be killed at any point in time while they are sleeping or playing by unmanned drones patrolling the sky.
The US-led western regimes Drone Operators in their air-conditioned rooms in Nevada, the US, direct drone operations and launch bombs strikes "using joysticks" against targets more than 9000 miles away like “playing video games”. They don’t see the real genocides and destruction they have caused to the civilians, houses and buildings as well as public infrastructures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia!
The wars that use this kind of technologies are more dangerous for human beings and all other creatures on this planet and the fate of this planet itself because the operators of the games could not see the real genocides and destruction they have caused on the targets down there on the face of earth!
What are drones?
In regions of IRAQ, Afghanistan, Pakistan, YEMEN AND SOMALIA – ALL ARE MUSLIM COUNTRIES, children are having to live with the fear that they could be killed at any point in time while they are sleeping or playing by unmanned drones patrolling the sky.
The US-led western regimes Drone Operators in their air-conditioned rooms in Nevada, the US, direct drone operations and launch bombs strikes "using joysticks" against targets more than 9000 miles away like “playing video games”. They don’t see the real genocides and destruction they have caused to the civilians, houses and buildings as well as public infrastructures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia!
The wars that use this kind of technologies are more dangerous for human beings and all other creatures on this planet and the fate of this planet itself because the operators of the games could not see the real genocides and destruction they have caused on the targets down there on the face of earth!
What are drones?
Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). They are aircraft which are either controlled by pilots on the ground,
often thousands of miles away from the action, or are programmed to
function autonomously without any direct human control. Drones can be
used for reconnaisance and surveillance or to drop missiles and bombs.
Pilotless aircraft have been
experimented with since the World War I. The first ‘aerial torpedo’ was the
Kettering Bug first flown in 1918 but developed too late to be of use in the
war. By World War II, radio-controlled surveillance and assault drones had been
developed by the US Navy. In 1942 an assualt drone successfully delivered a
torpedo attack from a distance of 20 miles but their utililisation remained
The use of drones for reconnaissance took off
during the Vietnam war but it was the 1980s which saw a significant development
in their military use. The Predator RQ-1L, made by General Atomics was
deployed in the Balkans in 1995, in Iraq
in 1996 and Afghanistan
from 2001. This was followed by the development of the Reaper, (also
known as Predator B) which became operational in 2007.
MQ-9 Reaper Hunter/Killer UAV
The drones used in Afghanistan,
Pakistan and Iraq are controlled from Creech Air Force Base in Nevada which is
home to the 432d Wing pilots who fly the MQ-1B Predator and MQ-9 Reaper
aircraft in support of US and Coalition troops.
drones are used for three main purposes: to support ground troops under attack
by launching missiles and bombs from the air; giving a 24 hr a day surveillance
of the ground and observing the ‘pattern of life’; to conduct targetted
CIA also, reportedly, controls a fleet of drones from its headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in
coordination with pilots near hidden airfields in Afghanistan
and Pakistan.
The drones are reportedly flown by civilians, including both intelligence
officers and private contractors (often retired military personal) and the list
of targets approved by senior Government personnel, although the criteria for
inclusion and all other aspects of the program are unknown. The CIA is not
required to identify its target by name; rather, targeting decisions may be
based on surveillance and “pattern of life” assessments.
Drones are increasing the remote and robotic
nature of modern hi-tech warfare. They are encouraging a ‘Playstation
Mentality’ amongst the troops where killing is simply watching the movement of
figures or vehicles on the ground, pushing a button and seeing them
engulfed in an explosion plume. There is a huge margin of error, often
because of faulty intelligence, and civilian casualties are mounting.
According to Pakistan
body count, 2867 people have been killed or injured by drones in Pakistan alone,
with a 2.5% success rate against Al-Qaida. Figures for Afganistan and Iraq are
unknown. There is also no measure for the terror and psychological damage
being done to the millions of children and adults who are in the constant
sights of these unmanned systems.
The MQ-9 Reaper carries a variety of weapons
including the GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb, the AGM-114 Hellfire II
air-to-ground missiles (including the Thermobaric version AGM- 114N), the AIM-9
Sidewinder and recently, the GBU-38 JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) Testing
is underway to support the operation of the AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missile.
The Reaper can remain for 14 – 16 hours in the air.
UK use of drones
The Royal Air Force operates General Atomics MQ-9
Reaper, carrying GBU-12 Paveway 11 precision guided bimbs and AGM-14 Hellfire
air to surface missiles. The Government is refusing to disclose how many of the
84 Hellfire missiles launched from Reaper drones have been the AGM-14N
(thermobaric) missiles.
- There have now been over 190
drone strikes in Afghanistan
by British Reaper crews
- Hellfire missiles are three times
more likely to be uses than the 500lb bomb
A second RAF drones squadron is to be based at RAF
Waddington in Lincolnshire
in 2012. RAF pilots will control the Reaper drones currently flying in Afghanistan from there rather than from the US
Air Force base Creech in Nevada
as they do at present. The UK Reaper capability will be doubled to 10
Watch keeper
The WK450 Watchkeeper UAV is
a collaboration between Thales UK
and Elbit. It will be deployed to Afghanistan in 2012.
It is currently unarmed but this could change at a later date. In the
meantime it will be used by the Royal Artillery along with a ‘loitering
munition’ prowler bomb - a bomb which is fired up into the sky
where it can loiter for up to ten hours until it is given the signal to plunge.
Thales UK provides interim tactical UAV
services using unarmed Hermes 450s leased from the Israeli firm Elbit.
In a recent edition of The
Times a correspondent writes: ‘In a war in which information and
perception play as important a role as tanks and jets, the images of wooden
coffins on the shoulders of grieving men will make uncomfortable viewing in
London and Paris.’
The journalist, Deborah Haynes, is
reporting from a frontline town in Libya. But she could, if you ignore
the comment about wooden coffins, be writing about any recent war the West has
embroiled itself in. Bosnia,
Somalia, Yugoslavia, Iraq,
All subject to fierce media scrutiny.
This scrutiny is a problem for any
developed nation pursuing war. Keeping the public on the government’s side is as
important, in many respects, as supplying the troops on the ground. To this
end, governments maintain powerful PR operations during wartime and beyond.
Journalists are embedded and
vetted. Press conferences carefully regulated. There are very few photos of US
body bags coming home. War is presented, where possible, as one where the enemy
is quickly routed and ‘our’ troops are kept alive, healthy and well-fed.
So ideal is this image that warfare
itself is being molded to adhere to it. And drone warfare has rapidly become
the poster child for this type of fighting.
Drone strikes are largely not
televised, as they happen in areas no film crew given western ‘credibility’
operates. No US
soldiers are killed. It is ‘clean, precise and targeted’. And, compared to
having actual soldiers on the ground, it is comparatively cheap too.
Ideal, really.
So ideal that the President of the US can even use
drones in a joke
about defending the honour of his daughter.
But it is too easy to accept this
idealised image. The Bureau’s research, the result of many months of persistent
analysis, lays bare the reality of the drone war.
Drone strikes are not discriminating. They kill children. They injure
civilians. And they are on the increase.
This warfare is not clean.
It is not precise.
Naturally, the evidence we have
gathered will attract criticism as well as coverage. The PR machine of
government might dismiss it or ignore it completely. When detractors engage,
they will likely say one of three things. That our facts are reported
elsewhere; they aren’t ‘new’. That our methodology is flawed. And that we act
as biased apologists for militants in Pakistan.
In one sense, this data is not new.
It is taken from a wide range of credible and existing sources. What is new is
that we have taken it from a much wider range than some of the existing
organisations that seek to cover this area. And we have done it with
considerable resources. We have followed up stories to see if figures
rise or fall over time. We have recorded also civilians amongst the numbers.
And we have listed the numbers of injured. The other two major
organisations that look at drone attacks have failed to do these things.
Our transparent methodological approach, open to peer review, is based on the same used by the widely-quoted organization Iraq Body Count. To dismiss ours is to dismiss the approach of many others.
Finally, any criticism that we are
somehow working ‘for the other side’ does not bear up to scrutiny. On occasion
we have been more conservative on the number of civilian dead in single
attacks, despite the international press reporting otherwise. We have also
identified individuals previously reported as being civilians as actually
having been militants. And we have offered an open invitation to the US security
forces to engage with us if they see something significantly wrong in our
study. If they satisfactorily prove their case, we will amend our data.
Most of all, though, we may well
get the quotidian response – ‘Didn’t we know this already?’
This sort of reaction to our story
is dangerous. Wars today are won and lost as much in the battle for information
as they are in numbers killed. The drone war is largely secretive and our study
shows unequivocally that there are some serious questions to be asked. Numbers
have to be collated in such an age.
Clearly civilians and children are
being killed. As such, one has to ask whether these drone attacks are
radicalising those who have lost loved ones as much as they are ‘taking out’
We show that they are not
discriminating. As such, those forces involved in their use may well be in
breach of the Geneva
And, importantly, we are providing
an unbiased, independent and journalistic examination of a war. A war
that has hitherto been manipulated by governments, spun by thinktanks and often
ignored by a media that– without pictures – finds it hard to report on the
horrors of what is really unfolding in Pakistan.
U.S. New Drone Bases for African Shadow Wars
is quietly setting up at least two new East African drone bases, plus one on
the Arabian Peninsula, to support the expanding U.S.
shadow war against Islamic militants in Somalia
and Yemen.
An apparently new facility has been built in Ethiopia. In the island nation of Seychelles, a
defunct airfield is being reactivated. A third base is being set up in or near Yemen.
The news, first reported by The
Washington Post and The Wall
Street Journal, should come as no surprise to close observers
of America’s shadow war
on the borders of the Indian Ocean. But the base expansion could be met with
outrage by the people most directly affected, especially Africans themselves.
For years, Washington has insisted that it
wouldn’t build new bases in Africa.
The new drone facilities are a
small step for a Pentagon and CIA already heavily invested in the Indian Ocean region. While mercenaries
and U.S. allies
— “proxies”
— do most of the fighting in Somalia and Yemen, American warships, aircraft and
special operations forces also play an important role. U.S. Reaper or Predator
drones have struck
militants in Yemen at least six times total in 2010 and 2011. In Somalia, drones
have attacked at least twice since 2007. U.S.
forces have also hit Somalia’s
al-Shabab Islamic group a total of six times, that we know of, using cruise
missiles and Special Forces helicopters.
The American base in the tiny
country of Djibouti, north
of Somalia,
provides food
and fuel to the warships and serves as a launching pad for the
unmanned vehicles and choppers. The Djibouti base has been around since
2001. U.S. Special Forces operated from a small base in Kenya beginning
“a few years” prior to 2007, according to
military consultant Tom Barnett. American commandos also launched
attacks from an unspecified
Ethiopian location in early 2007. The Seychelles drone base was open for
business in 2009 and 2010 before temporarily shutting down.
Amid all this activity, Washington insisted it
had no plans for new African bases. “I want to dispel the notion that all of a
sudden America is, you know,
bringing all kinds of military to Africa. It’s
just simply not true,” then-President George W.
Bush told reporters in Ghana in 2008. Bush was trying to
reassure African audiences that the new U.S. Africa Command would not mean an
expanded U.S. military
presence in Africa. Africa Command kept its
headquarters in Germany, but
the U.S.
presence expanded anyways — though many of the forces operate outside of Africa
Command’s purview.
For Washington, the rationale for new bases is
clear. “We do not know enough about the leaders of the Al Qaeda affiliates in
Africa,” a senior U.S.
official told The Wall Street Journal. “Is there a guy out there
saying, ‘I am the future of Al Qaeda’? Who is the next Osama bin Laden?” If
finding and killing the next bin Laden means breaking a promise over African
bases, the U.S.
seems content with going back on its word. (HSH)
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